Typical solar systems can last more than 30 years with 25-year warranties.

Energy savings for the long term

Business’s typically pay off their solar system in 7 - 10 years, a fast return on investment. Fortune 500 companies such as Target, Wal-Mart and IKEA have invested in solar. Market data provided by EnergySage suggests that the average commercial property with solar power can reduce overall energy cost by a whopping 75%. The average commercial property paid $1,950 in monthly electric bills; in some cases, installing solar panels can reduce a business’ power expense to just $50 per month.


Solar Savings Starts Here

If your electric bill is $1,000 per month, you use 91,404 kilowatt hours per year. In order to cover that usage, you would need 201 solar panels producing 96,078 kWh. Here’s what that looks like:

System Cost $200,196

ITC Federal Tax Credit $-60,059

Cost to You $140,137

Payback Period 7.9 year

Depreciation Tax Benefit $35,735

This means your bill goes from $1,000 per month down to the commercial minimum transmission fee of $50. That means:

$ 950 less per month

$ 11,400 less per year

$ 460,914 less over 30 years

That’s Environmental Equivalent of:

20,811 Trees Planted

Driving 66,866 less miles

Taking 766 cars off the road

Going Green

While Saving Green

Pine Tree Solar is a local company based in Hermon, Maine here to help you with your renewable energy needs. With easy, friendly, and affordable service, let us help you save money and produce your own power.

@2021 Pine Tree Solar